Education Educating Our Youth has been a priority of the S.O.N.S. since the club was organized. We have been teaching kids fishing techniques throughout our more then 40 years of existence. We do this throughout the year at many events, including 45 hands-on fishing clinics during 2023-2024. These were events held for kids from summer camps, schools, church groups, and Boy and Girl Scout troops. Some of these events were Family Fishing Events, where parents and kids are afforded the opportunity to try some hands-on fishing. These are usually held during the Discover Presque Isle days, Eight Great Tuesdays summer concert series at Liberty Pier, First Day of trout season, and ice fishing clinics at Presque Isle State Park. We estimate that during that period we worked with approx. 1000 kids. We also have supported other educational programs financially through grants and outright purchases. We sponsored over 800 student subscriptions to the P.L.A.Y. (Pennsylvania League of Angling Youth Program) and distributed them to City of Erie school kids. We initiated a fishing tackle loaner program in cooperation with the Erie County Library making it possible for anyone with a library card to check out the fishing gear just like you do a book. We granted $1000 to Bayfront Center for Maritime Studies for their programs. $2500 was given to the Presque Isle Partnership to purchase canoes and kayaks for an outdoor adventure program. Each year we offer a $500 grant to a college student for work-study at our hatchery. We funded $8000 to build aquariums into the Tom Ridge Center for studying fish that are native to Lake Erie. We sponsored several research programs at the Regional Science Consortium, and partnered with PA Sea Grant's youth programs. and We provided computer equipment to the Erie History Center for exhibits on Erie’s commercial fishing industry and maritime past. We provide information to our members by inviting guest speakers to our general meetings and publishing a monthly newsletter. We are often invited to speak at meetings of other groups on subjects of public access, maritime history and other subjects of interest. |
Education |
Safety | Adopt a Park |