For the last 11 years the SONS
of Lake Erie has partnered with the Harborcreek Township Recreation
Department and the Wesleyville Conservation Club to put together a fishing
opportunity for kids.
Initially we started at Whitford Park and Six Mile Creek but due to high
waters we moved the event to the safer MacQuarie’s pond at Harborcreek
Community Park. The area was wide open but did not offer shelter from
inclement weather for the young anglers.
We voted to provide the funds to buy materials to build a picnic style
shelter adjacent to the pond. The work was completed by Harborcreek
maintenance personnel. The beautiful and well-built structure was completed
in the early Fall of 2020 and was dedicated on Thursday May 6th, 2021.
Last Fall township supervisors had the pond dredged, contoured the banks and
installed an aerator in the center of the pond. The pond was then allowed to
This year on Saturday May 4th the event was held again at the Harborcreek
Community Park on Saturday May 4th. The Wesleyville Conservation Club
stocked hundreds of brown trout in preparation for our annual kids fishing
derby at MacQuaries’s Pond.
The SONS provided the equipment and bait. The trout were cooperative. Most
of the kids caught trout but along with some bullheads and blue gills
caught. Over 100 individuals came out for the fun.
After the May 4th event a private fish grower was hired by the township who
stocked hundreds of fish into the pond including bluegills, crappies,
bullheads and others. The SONS of Lake Erie paid for the fish stocking.
Catch and release rules for all species except for trout which can be
The pond offers a comfortable fishing opportunity for kids and families,
check it out.
MacQuarie’s Pond at the Harborcreek Township’s municipal park.