Save Our Native Species Inc.
S.O.N.S. of Lake Erie Fishing Club
(A501C (3) not for profit organization)






SON'S. Stuff


Photo Gallery


Contact Information:
Jerry Skrypzak

Vice President
Ed Kissell

Don Tombaugh

John Krupinski

Mail: PO Box 3605
Erie, Pennsylvania 16508

Phone/Fax: 814-453-2270



Erie County Public Library Kid's
Hooked on Fishing Program

The staff at the Erie Public Library partnered with the SONS of Lake Erie on Saturday July 13, 2024 and provided a hands on fishing experience for 18 children from 3 to 12 years old. The were accompanied by family members. Ten SONS volunteers and Library staff set up at the Holland St. pier  on Presque Isle Bay east of the Blasco Library. The weather was nice and the participants were successful. They caught over thirty fish including perch, blue gills, gobies and even a bass. The largest fish was a 11 inch large mouth bass caught by Jovi Scott. Prizes were given for  the largest fish in various categories.

The SONS have been partners with the Library on many projects over the years including setting up fishing displays and setting up a free rod, reel and tackle lending program which was set up over 25 years ago. Thi program allows individuals to borrow the fishing equipment just as one would do when borrowing a book.This program is very unique and has been reorganized nationally.

Scroll down to see some photos of the fun