2025 Ice Fishing Clinic
On Saturday February 1, 2025 the Annual Presque Isle Winter Discovery day
was held in the area of the Rotary Pavilion at the park. This event is
co-sponsored by the Presque Isle Partnership and DCNR. We have participated
in this event every year since its inception. We usually help out with ice
fishing. This year was the first time in about 4 years that the ice was safe
enough for fishing. In the years with no ice we were forced to fish off the
floating platform on the East Waterworks pond. Nineteen SONS volunteers
helped over 100 participants including parents and kids try their hands at
ice fishing. Only 2 trout were caught but it was fun watching the kids
playing on the ice. The weather was cold but sunny and very comfortable.
There were other activities including sled dog demonstrations, horse drawn
carriage rides, snowshoe tryouts, birding craft activity, wild life ID and
more. Inside the Rotary Pavilion we set up our ice fishing game to the
delight of little kids who were given a bag of goldfish crackers when they
caught a “fish”.
See photos below